Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 02: A Suckish Day

Hello fellow Bloggers! No, that was a lame opening...
Hey everyone! (Thats better...) so i hope you've enjoyed my first few posts. But i think that I'm going to copy cat off of my best friend Faith, who's blog is both hilarious and serious, and write about my day :) so here goes something!

Well, I took the last of my school mid-terms today, which was poop because I had half days all week last week and it was great being home so early and being able to chill! But anyways, my Dad brings me to school everyday, and we kind of reflect on what we read on our daily reading time of the Bible and stuff. Well I'm actually reading in Deuteronomy, and have been for a while, actually i'm almost finished with it! Woot!
And its just been talking about how the Lord brought Israel out of captivity, and what rules and regulations to follow and stuff. I just figured out that I say “and stuff” a lot. So bare with me! :)

Well that was the beginning of the day. The juicy stuff always happens in the middle of the day, and by juicy I mean stuff (there it is again!) that you will actually want to read about. Well so I plowed through the world's easiest Biology mid term and my next exam was the Driver's Ed final. I was actually pumped to just get it out of the way, you know? Well, heres what sucked. I finished the test, and it seemed fairly easy to me, except for the parking distances, like from a fire hydrant or the curb, silly things like that. Well Coach Kaye, my driver's ed teacher, read off if we passed or not. And the cut off for passing was an 80%.
Guess what I got. A freaking 70! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I was so defeated, it really, really sucked. So I have to retake it after school sometime. But at least my weekend was the best weekend of my life! I dont think I have every been as happy as I was to see Faith Phipps in the car when I went to go see what was “for me” in it. Good times......


  1. Pippin!! :)
    its okay if you failed your midterm! don't feel bad. I failed my permit test last week haha. i was happy to see you too! you're a good writer best buddy!

  2. Thanks Foof! hahaha i like calling you Foof! =D
